The philosophy of Jack Bergmans, Certified Financial Planner

Having spent a lot of my life self-employed, I can't depend upon a company pension to subsidize my retirement years.
So I've been putting money aside and investing it for all of my adult life. Its value has risen and fallen with the markets. Until about 8 years ago, I felt I didn't need to worry about the fluctuating value of my savings because the markets always bounce back.
During the past couple of market downturns, while financial gurus still chanted that the markets would recover, it became very clear that this has been no comfort to those who have already reached their retirement years. I've seen older adults forced to draw upon their dwindled savings becoming increasingly anxious about how they'll cover basic costs when all they have left is their Old Age Security and Canada Pension Plan income.
Frankly, running out of money right when I need it most is not for me!
Based on historical trends, I know I'll probably experience at least another three or four significant market downturns during my retirement years and I simply won't have the time to wait for my savings to rebound after downturns.
So for the last eight years, I've searched for the best financial tools to rebuild my financial plan.
I've discovered and personally put to use solutions that will create retirement income streams guaranteed to never run out during my lifetime, regardless of markets or interest rates.
Now that my own retirement income foundation is solidly in place, I sleep better at night. I can more easily assess and plan for what I can leave to my beneficiaries and charities. And as a side benefit, my estate is uncomplicated, making the job of my executor quite easy!
Drawing from my own experiences and skills as a Certified Financial Planner, I can help you gain financial peace of mind and enjoy a stress-free retirement.
Contact me and I'll help you create your own personalized financial plan that focuses on what matters most to you, so you can face your own future with confidence.